Sunday, September 26, 2010

My dad have a friend called Joseph , a Malaysian .
Some of my close friends will know that my parents actually bought a Malaysia house and a car at Malaysia . And the Malaysia house is currently rented to his friends , got around 5 people for only 300RM ( SGD 130++ ONLY ) for a month , wth right ? Double storey , 300RM and 5 persons , nevermind . Then this guy , Joseph , he actually gotten our car into an SEVERE incident and our needs repair and he isn't willing to fork out the money to repair it and he wants us to claim insurance , saying that it isn't his fault ! Saying that our dad is the one who allows him to use it when my dad have already told him that once he got his OWN car , he will not be using my dad's car ! But sadly , somebody didn't do that ! He still drive my dad's care , gosh . And everytime when he drives my dad car out , they need to pay SGD20 at the custom . IT'S MY DAD WHO'S ALWAYS PAYING . OH WELL , FCUK YOU JOSEPH .
My dad freaking treats you so well and this is what he get in return ? YOU WATCH OUT . I'll go to Malaysia to find you if there's a need . You said that you WILL move out and you had better do so . If not , good luck to your friends and you .

Firstly , where can you rent a house in Malaysia , double storey for only 300RM ?
Secondly , 5 PERSONS , which means 1 peron = 60RM ( SGD 20++ ONLY ) .
Thirdly , it's YOU who got our car into a state like that and you don't want to pay for the repair ?


  1. Arrr .. thats just so annoying >_<

  2. Yes , it's really very annoying to have sucha person in this world . My dad treats him so well and yet this is what my dad gets back !
